DOBOT CR20A Cobot Palletizer with HMI

  • DOBOT CR20A Cobot Palletizer with HMI
    EAN 6150409872860

    Equipped as standard with smart software, making it very easy for end users to create their own patterns.

    Also available with and without HMI.

  • Dobot CR20A Cobot Palletizer

    The DOBOT CR20A cobot palletizer is equipped with smart software as standard, making it very easy for end users to create their own patterns.

    The self-designed chassis is made of steel (powder-coated in any desired color) or stainless steel 304. The hardware engineering and panel building is also done in-house. For this we use components from world-renowned suppliers such as Eaton, Murr, SICK, Rittal, Phoenix Contact, Lenze and LAPP. The complete air equipment is realized with components from Festo. We engineer and assemble special grippers ourselves.


    • Euro pallets up to a height of +-2.5 m, block pallets up to a height of +- 2.1 m. This is
      depending on the box sizes and patterns, it becomes critical: ask about the possibilities;
    • Box weights max. 15 to 16 kg;
    • Speed ​​average up to +- 7/8 stable with a high load. From 4 to 5 picks per minute, safety sensors must also be used;
    • Works as standard on 230V and 6 Bar dry compressed air;
    • Standard built for a box with lid (which can be vacuum packed), special grippers on request;
    • Crates, bags and stacking of other types are also possible. Ask about the possibilities;
    • Including intermediate layers is optional;
    • Installation and commissioning in 1 day;
    • Payback period on average between 8 and 14 months.
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DOBOT CR20A Cobot Palletizer with HMI

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